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Financials Fund

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Investor Profile

The unit trust portfolio is suitable for investors who require specific exposure to financial sector shares as part of their overall investment strategy, with maximum capital appreciation as their primary goal over the long term. Investors should have a high tolerance for short-term market volatility in order to achieve long-term objectives. Due to its specialist nature, the portfolio will typically display higher volatility than a general equity unit trust portfolio.


2011 - Raging Bull - SA Equity Financial Fund

2012 - Raging Bull - SA Equity Financial Fund

2013 - Raging Bull - SA Equity Financial Fund

2015 - Raging Bull - SA Equity Financial Fund

2016 - Raging Bull - SA Equity Financial Fund

Investment managers

Denker Capital

Denker Capital is an independent asset manager specialising in both local and offshore equities. The business was created in 2015 through the merger of SIM Unconstrained Capital Partners and SIM Global, two entrepreneurial, boutique businesses within Sanlam Investments. Denker Capital authorised is a Financial Services Provider under the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act (FSP No 47075). 

Denker has a strong belief in the impact that ESG can have on an investment, with material weight placed on the governance structures within their investee companies. Denker acknowledges that sustainability is a fast-evolving topic and is continually looking to develop their own internal practices in support of this agenda. Denker actively votes at AGMs, recording a near 100% voting participation in the past year.

Risk profile

Low risk High risk
The greater the amount of risk an investor is willing to take on the greater the potential return

Minimum investment

Lump sum: R10 000* Debit order: R250* The R250 minimum is only for UT and TFI products. The minimum for products such as retirement annuity, endowments, pension preservations and provident preservations is R500.

Recommended minimum period

7 years

Inception date

03 November 2003

Asisa category

(ASISA) South African EQ Financial


FTSE/JSE Ind/Financials Index

Performance (since inception)

Past performance is not indicative of future performance and does not predict future returns.

Annual fees and charges eac Fees calculator

excl VAT incl VAT
Fund management fee 1.50% 1.73%
Fund expenses 0.28%
Total expense ratio 2.01%
Fund transacting costs 0.08%
Total investment charges 2.09%

Price as at eac View all prices

Fund price Market change Unit count
42 113.97 -0.14% -

Income distribution

Cents per unit Latest date Frequency
957.77 31 December 2024 Annually

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