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Property Fund: 2024

Merchant West Holdings (MWH) is one of the largest privately-owned financial institutions in South Africa. Merchant West Investments (MWI), a subsidiary of MWH, is a multi-strategy asset management business that places the highest priority on the stewardship of clients’ assets. The experienced listed property investment team has a deep knowledge of the sector constituents and company management. The investment team at MWI has managed the Nedgroup Investments Property Fund since it’s inception in 2010.

Driven by the firm’s leadership, MWI look to continually develop the ESG aspects of the business.  Our investment process now has implicit ESG requirements (particularly governance) and we have a Socially Responsible Investing policy that guides our actions and stewardship of investee companies in this regard.

Proxy voting

Investee company
Share code
Event type
Annual General Meeting
Annual General Meeting